Simple Directory & File Browser in PHP

Simple directory and file browser script written in php. Useful for unveiling the contents of directories even if directory indexing is turned off. Can browse directories, and list the contents of files.

To answer a question I have received: the fact that you can use this script to explore directories while being limited only by the access rights of the process running php is no bug. Guess why I wrote it in the first place ;)

Current version is 0.8

md5sum: cd723d9e6fd9a900095a9e6bed35902f  dir-0.8.tar.bz2
Previous versions
md5sum: 1566b65748a39350033b357ecf95df8f  dir-0.7.tar.bz2

"If you're taking risks, you can find yourself failing 90% of the time. The trick is to get paid while you're doing the failing."

Last update: Wednesday, 11th October, 2023
Copyright © 2001-2024 by Lukasz Tomicki